A crack growth equation is used for calculating the size of a fatigue crack growing from cyclic loads. The growth of fatigue cracks can result in catastrophic failure, particularly in the case of aircraft. A crack growth equation can be used to ensure safety, both in the design phase and during operation, by predicting the size of cracks. In critical structure, loads can be recorded and used to predict the size of cracks to ensure maintenance or retirement occurs prior to any of the cracks failing.
Fatigue life can be divided into an initiation period and a crack growth period.[1] Crack growth equations are used to predict the crack size starting from a given initial flaw and are typically based on experimental data obtained from constant amplitude fatigue tests.
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Many crack propagation equations have been proposed over the years to improve prediction accuracy and incorporate a variety of effects. The works of Head,[6] Frost and Dugdale,[7] McEvily and Illg,[8] and Liu[9] on fatigue crack-growth behaviour laid the foundation in this topic. The general form of these crack propagation equations may be expressed as
Crack growth equations of the form d a / d N \displaystyle da/dN are not a true differential equation as they do not model the process of crack growth in a continuous manner throughout the loading cycle. As such, separate cycle counting or identification algorithms such as the commonly used rainflow-counting algorithm, are required to identify the maximum and minimum values in a cycle. Although developed for the stress/strain-life methods rainflow counting has also been shown to work for crack growth.[10] There have been a small number of true derivative fatigue crack growth equations that have also been developed.[11][12]
A d a / d N \displaystyle da/dN equation gives the rate of growth for a single cycle, but when the loading is not constant amplitude, changes in the loading can lead to temporary increases or decreases in the rate of growth. Additional equations have been developed to deal with some of these cases. The rate of growth is retarded when an overload occurs in a loading sequence. These loads generate are plastic zone that may delay the rate of growth. Two notable equations for modelling the delays occurring while the crack grows through the overload region are:[16]
The NASGRO equation is used in the crack growth programs AFGROW, FASTRAN and NASGRO software.[20] It is a general equation that covers the lower growth rate near the threshold Δ K th \displaystyle \Delta K_\textth and the increased growth rate approaching the fracture toughness K crit \displaystyle K_\textcrit , as well as allowing for the mean stress effect by including the stress ratio R \displaystyle R . The NASGRO equation is
There are many computer programs that implement crack growth equations such as Nasgro,[24] AFGROW and Fastran. In addition, there are also programs that implement a probabilistic approach to crack growth that calculate the probability of failure throughout the life of a component.[25][26]
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General Outcomes(A) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering(B) design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data(C) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, societal, global, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability(D) function on multidisciplinary teams while maintaining independent thought and expression(E) identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems(F) understand professional and ethical responsibility(G) communicate effectively(H) understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental, and societal context(I) recognize the need for, and to engage in, lifelong learning(J) apply knowledge of contemporary issues(K) use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
2884: MATERIALS ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ILibrary engineering research skills, technical computergraphics, basic engineering workplace communicationskills, basic engineering teamwork skills, introduction toengineering ethics, resumes and letters of introduction,gender issues in the workplace, professional posterpresentations, and engineering public speaking.Pre: MSE major, sophomore status.(3L,1C)
3054 (ESM 3054): MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALSMechanical properties and behavior of engineering materialssubjected to static, dynamic, creep, and fatigue loads underenvironments and stress states typical of serviceconditions; biaxial theories of failure; behavior of crackedbodies; microstructure-property relationships and designmethodologies for homogeneous and composite materials.Pre: ESM 2204, (MSE 2034 or MSE 2044 or MSE 3094 or AOE 3094 or CEE 3684).(3H,3C)
4085-4086: SENIOR DESIGN RECITATIONCapstone course run in parallel with faculty-advisedSenior Project Laboratory (MSE 4075-4076). Topics inengineering professional practice, project planning, andreporting. Preparation of proposals, interim reports,final project reports, and discussion of the environmental,social, and economic impacts of engineering. Instruction indesign theory, ethics, continuous learning, and globalissues. Senior Standing in MSE. Co: 4075 or 4095H for4085. 4076 or 4096H for 4086.Pre: 3884 for 4085; 4085 for 4086.4085: (2H,2C) 4086: (1H,1C) 2ff7e9595c